Wallet Balance
Default GWEI Value for Transactions ⓘThis is the default we will be using.
Note: using a GWEI value that is lower than the current network rate will result in a TX waiting to be processed.
However, we want to target a specific GWEI so that wrapping is cheaper and we wait for a specific GWEI to occur
Stake pairs of Dooggies to become eligible to mint a Baby Dooggies NFT!
Every pair of Dooggies that you have staked allows you to mint one Mystery NFT. For example, staking 2 Dooggies for 60 days yields 1 Mystery NFT whereas staking 10 Dooggies for 60 days yields 5 Mystery NFTs.
You can add or remove staked single or multiple Dooggies at any time, just pay gas.
Mysterious New Mint
0 Dooggies Loaded in your Wallet
Loading Dooggies from Wallet...